Thursday, January 7, 2016

Launching out

Launch out into the deep.   Luke 5:4

Mediocrity is just the best of the worst, and the worst of the best. Is that what you want? No? Then be willing to forfeit the safety of being where you are, in order to go where God wants you to be. Helen Keller said, "Security is a myth. The reason we don't experience it is because it doesn't exist. Avoiding danger or failure is no safer in the long run than outright risk. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." Smart lady.  She also said, "The only thing that's worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."

The danger in not wanting much, is that you usually get it. So ask yourself, "What do I want this year, that's worth risking everything for? Like 30 minutes less sleep in the morning in order to pray, read my Bible and work on my relationship with God? To pursue my degree, or business opportunity? To work on my marriage? To break this destructive habit?"

"Launching out" means: 

(1) Setting goals, establishing a, plan to reach them, and becoming accountable; 

(2) Staying tuned to God's "leadings;"

 (3) Confronting old fears and discovering the incredible rewards on the other side of them; 

(4) Looking in the mirror and respecting what you're becoming; 

(5) Devoting your life to something greater than yourself, and being blessed in doing it; 

(6) Having a "You art with me" attitude, and attempting even greater things for God. So, are you ready to "launch out" this year?

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